Monday, March 2, 2009

Two Finish Finishes!!

Here they finished birds. I am really pleased with how they turned out - especially the pink ones. These were fun to stitch and finish. I even bought a really pretty black and white floral fabric to do one more in black (310 DMC). These are going to be great little extras to two birthday presents I'm going to be mailing shortly.

We've had about 9 inches of snow today and the kids and hubby are home. My son, who has strep, is finally feeling better, but my husband just went to the EMC and found out he also has strep is not. So far, me and the girl's are hanging tight and fighting off this bug. Hope that continues. No stitching today yet but I hope to get a little in at some point. Thanks for visiting!


  1. Very pretty finishes!

    Stay well!

  2. Very cute. I love the finishing and fabric on the pink one too!

  3. Hi, Meredith! I'm very pleased to have found your new blog and look forward to getting to know you and your family better. Always great to meet another twin mom!

    Congrats on these nice finishes. :)

  4. Stopping by again to respond to your note on my blog. . . my twins are identical boys, 15 yo. That's just so hard for me to believe, 15! While I never expected to have twins, nor especially wanted to have twins (one at a time is plenty!) God graciously gave us Kevin and Kyle and I've really been blessed by them. Twins are such interesting people. :)
